Links with St Chad’s / St Asaph Diocese

St Chad’s Church

St Chad’s Church

The School has very strong links with the St Chad’s Church and the children take part in Harvest and Christmas services.

Father Jeremy Dussek leads Collective Worships on a regular basis.

We also have a ‘Know your Church’ Workshop every half term led by the Mother’s Union.

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St Asaph Diocese

St Chad’s School is a Church In Wales school, and is part of the diocese of St. Asaph.

The Diocese of St Asaph works to ensure that all children and young people flourish educationally, spiritually and emotionally, especially in the Christian context of our church schools and colleges.

More than 200 Anglican Churches make up the family of the Diocese of St Asaph.

Saint Asaph Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Diocese of St Asaph, one of the six dioceses of the Church in Wales.

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